It’s time to pick your impact and give Recognition

Pick from a range of Recognition Projects that help people to feel seen, valued and recognised at times when they need it most.

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Welcome to The Recognised Foundation

The Foundation exists to help people feel seen, valued and recognised at times in their life when they need it most. We aim to seek out the groups of people that particularly need care and attention due to the life circumstances they are walking through. 

The causes you can support

Meals for mums

Delivering a two weeks worth of meals to struggling parents.

So often, the journey home from the hospital after birth can bring up a whole range of feelings, including an overwhelming sense of dread as to how to figure out doing simple, daily tasks whilst learning to care for a new-born child, all whilst battling with the severe trauma experienced if the birth has been difficult.

It’s often the little things that can often make the most impact on your day-to-day life. A simple thing like having your meals provided for the first two weeks, can really help to clear space in your head as you figure out your new rhythm of life. Recognise just how significant this change is, and be there to support in a small, but hugely impactful way.

The provision of meals is a basic necessity and it’s important to meet this need, but we also believe that quality and nutrition shouldn't be compromised in doing so. Help us to recognise and help those individuals at a time in their life when they need it most.

Wellbeing workshops

In partnership with Maggie’s - the home of cancer support. They recognise that when you’re diagnosed with cancer you need much more than just medical treatment.

Maggie's provide information about how treatment will affects you; emotional support and practical advice; a place to go where you can meet and talk to friendly people who are going through the same things, a place at their kitchen table where you can feel seen and known.

Through this project you'll be supporting wellbeing sessions for anyone who has been affected by cancer. Help transform their physical and emotional wellbeing and to help people take control when cancer turns life upside down.

Loneliness Dinners

Curating beautiful spaces around the dinner table for people to come and connect with like-minded individuals when feeling alone in London.

Through the Recognised Foundation loneliness dinner clubs, you can help combat loneliness in London and bring connection to people experiencing loneliness over a delicious and nutritious community supper. These evenings will be all inclusive, with one aim, to connect with and recognise the people that walk through our doors, providing them with an evening whereby they can leave feeling seen, having connected with others on a deeper level.

Community concerts

Concerts for connection and community with all generations post-covid.

We all know that so many people in our communities suffer from feeling isolated, lonely, or disconnected from others. And yet, music has the power to bring people together no matter their age, background, or circumstance. By supporting these Community Concerts, you can help create regular opportunities for anyone feeling lonely to enjoy some coffee, cake, conversation, and music in their local community.

Held monthly on Wednesday mornings, the concerts are informal, fun, and intended to be enjoyed by the oldest to the youngest in our midst.

Pink Letters

Monthly letters of encouragement to teenage girls through the post.

A monthly letter writing service, sending letters of encouragement to teenage girls across the globe. In a world where being a woman comes with so many unique challenges, pink letters seek to recognise the struggle, bumps and challenges that so many young girls face as they journey through their time at school.

Your support to this project could help to fund a monthly letter of encouragement to a teenage girl for half a year, to cheer her on in her teenage life and all that comes with it! You could be a part of a young woman becoming truly confident in who she is, and recognising just how amazing she is.

Wardrobe renewal

Help fund a personal shopping experience for a woman who has been rescued from modern slavery, helping her to regain her confidence and rebuild her self esteem.

In partnership with John Lewis, this project provides a shopping experience with a personal stylist to help curate outfits that will empower women to feel confident in their clothes as they re-enter the world.

It is, however, about so much more than what clothes she chooses to wear, it is about what the clothes will lead to. What is worn on the outside can empower the woman on the inside and lead her to greater confidence in who she is and who she can become. The aim is that these personal styling sessions will provide hope for these women, as they look in the mirror and see all that they already are, and all they can become.

Womens employability course

Empowering women through the funding of an employability programme that recognises a woman's unique skill and gifting and will provide tools and training for a career.

Luminary Bakery is A social enterprise providing training, employment, recognition and community to some of the most disadvantaged women in London. The women they work with have been classified as experiencing "multiple disadvantages", including gender based violence (domestic abuse, prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking and honour based violence).

Where these traumatic experiences would so often push people to the sidelines, Luminary recognises the need for these women to be seen and heard, and to show them that their voices matter.

Movie night magic

NHS workers are some of the hardest working, yet under-recognised people. Every day they serve our nation tirelessly, often facing into many challenging situations.

You can support a magical movie night to give these heroes a moment of respite, fun, and recognition.

In partnership with Electric Cinemas, we host a beautiful space for these NHS workers to feel seen, known and recognised.

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