The Female Empowerment Popon® launch - the women we’re empowering.

We have partnered with three amazing women’s charities for our Female Empowerment Popon and are so excited to share with you what they do.



The Female Empowerment Popon® launch - the women we’re empowering.

We have partnered with three amazing women’s charities for our Female Empowerment Popon and are so excited to share with you what they do.


We have just launched our Female Empowerment popon®! This is a huge milestone for us here at Recognised as it is something we have wanted to create ever since the business first started. There has been so much thought and creativity behind the design, and you can see all about that on our social media. Our founder Anneka has put together an amazing reel to talk about the journey of making the Popon.

This post is all about the impact of your purchase, or as we like to say “the women you’re empowering when you purchase your Popon”. This feels pretty great to say right?!

We have partnered with three amazing women’s charities for our Female Empowerment Popon and are so excited to share with you what they do.

We have just launched our Female Empowerment popon®! This is a huge milestone for us here at Recognised as it is something we have wanted to create ever since the business first started. There has been so much thought and creativity behind the design, and you can see all about that on our social media. Our founder Anneka has put together an amazing reel to talk about the journey of making the Popon.

This post is all about the impact of your purchase, or as we like to say “the women you’re empowering when you purchase your Popon”. This feels pretty great to say right?!

We have partnered with three amazing women’s charities for our Female Empowerment Popon and are so excited to share with you what they do.

We have partnered with three amazing women’s charities for our Female Empowerment Popon and are so excited to share with you what they do.


A social enterprise providing training, employment, recognition and community to some of the most disadvantaged women in London. The women they work with have been classified as experiencing "multiple disadvantages" including gender based violence (domestic abuse, prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking and honour based violence). Where these traumatic experiences would so often push people to the sidelines, Luminary recognises the need for these women to be seen and heard, and to show them that their voices matter. Luminary works holistically with women, offering a safe space to train, trauma-informed support as they overcome barriers from lack of opportunity, preparation for employment, and guidance in building towards a positive future.

A social enterprise providing training, employment, recognition and community to some of the most disadvantaged women in London. The women they work with have been classified as experiencing "multiple disadvantages" including gender based violence (domestic abuse, prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking and honour based violence). Where these traumatic experiences would so often push people to the sidelines, Luminary recognises the need for these women to be seen and heard, and to show them that their voices matter. Luminary works holistically with women, offering a safe space to train, trauma-informed support as they overcome barriers from lack of opportunity, preparation for employment, and guidance in building towards a positive future.

2. Pink letters

A monthly letter writing service, sending letters of encouragement to teenage girls across the globe. In a world where being a woman comes with so many unique challenges, pink letters seek to recognise the struggle, bumps and challenges that so many young girls face as they journey through their time at school. By recognising and encouraging young girls at this pivotal point in their lives, Pink Letters seeks to bring connection, hope and empathy through shared experiences and recognition. The sheer power of knowing that you’re not alone when going through something can never be underestimated.

A monthly letter writing service, sending letters of encouragement to teenage girls across the globe. In a world where being a woman comes with so many unique challenges, pink letters seek to recognise the struggle, bumps and challenges that so many young girls face as they journey through their time at school. By recognising and encouraging young girls at this pivotal point in their lives, Pink Letters seeks to bring connection, hope and empathy through shared experiences and recognition. The sheer power of knowing that you’re not alone when going through something can never be underestimated.

3. the zena launchpad

A programme for women living below the poverty line, recognising their entrepreneurial potential and equipping them with skills to start their own businesses. With the right tools, skills and resources, Zena believes that a woman has the power to change the world. With little to no financial literacy or infrastructure, female entrepreneurs living in rural poverty in Uganda are vulnerable to exploitation and pitfalls of loans and handouts. Zena set out to change this by recognising the skill and potential that these women have to bring to their communities. The Zena Launch Pad not only helps women by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills and tools to launch their own business and boost the local economy, they also help women discover their unique purpose and voice. Zena brings recognition to these women where there would often be none, and provides them with tools and skills that will equip them to launch into their new careers, and in turn enriching their local economy. Zena recognises that women can bring change. They believe female entrepreneurs are the best placed visionaries and change makers for their own communities.The true recognition of these women and their unique skills and dreams is essential to the growth and enrichment of their local communities, and ultimately themselves too!

A programme for women living below the poverty line, recognising their entrepreneurial potential and equipping them with skills to start their own businesses. With the right tools, skills and resources, Zena believes that a woman has the power to change the world. With little to no financial literacy or infrastructure, female entrepreneurs living in rural poverty in Uganda are vulnerable to exploitation and pitfalls of loans and handouts. Zena set out to change this by recognising the skill and potential that these women have to bring to their communities. The Zena Launch Pad not only helps women by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills and tools to launch their own business and boost the local economy, they also help women discover their unique purpose and voice. Zena brings recognition to these women where there would often be none, and provides them with tools and skills that will equip them to launch into their new careers, and in turn enriching their local economy. Zena recognises that women can bring change. They believe female entrepreneurs are the best placed visionaries and change makers for their own communities.The true recognition of these women and their unique skills and dreams is essential to the growth and enrichment of their local communities, and ultimately themselves too!

We are so excited and honoured to be partnering with these amazing charities. We believe the work they do truly seeks to recognise and champion the women they work with - and that is a powerful thing!

Sale Off
Gold Smooth You Are Enough Popon® Recognised


This Recognised Female Empowerment Popon® is a beautiful and meaningful gift for every woman. 

Hand engraved with the words ‘You are enough’, this Popon is a reminder that we are each enough as we are. Three words that transform everything within, shaping the lives we want to lead, the women we want to be and the world we want to see.Words which provide courage on the days we need it most and help us rise beyond our weaknesses and seek what is beyond our own strength. Words of which our relationship with and proximity to its truth either causes us to stand taller, or shrink ourselves down, shine brighter or hide our light away, celebrate others or tear them down. 

Wear this Popon around your neck, keep these words close to your heart and when the thoughts crash in and the waves of doubt and insignificance come - whisper to yourself ‘I am enough’. You are always enough.